5 Easy Things You Can Do to Improve Your Cybersecurity Today
What is cybersecurity?
Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting networks, devices, and programs from digital attacks. These attacks are usually aimed at accessing, changing, or destroying sensitive information, extorting money from users, or interrupting normal business processes.
Why is cybersecurity important?
Cybersecurity is an important issue that has become increasingly relevant in the digital age. We are living in a world where the internet has become a major part of our inter-connected lives, and because of this, we must ensure that our data and information is protected from malicious actors.
How can I improve my cybersecurity?
It is essential for businesses and organizations to practice good cybersecurity to protect their data and prevent financial losses and reputation damage. Without the proper security measures in place, a company can be vulnerable to cyber-attacks that can bring their business to a halt.
Cybersecurity measures can include things such as firewalls, antivirus software, up-to-date software, strong passwords, encryption, and two-factor authentication. These measures help to protect data and systems from unauthorized access and protect against malicious actors.
Because security is so important to keeping your business running, here are 5 things you can do today to improve your security.
1. Update your software regularly
One of the easiest ways to improve your security is to update all your software, including apps, web browsers, and operating systems. As software ages, security flaws and vulnerabilities become detectable and then are fixed by the developers with updates. Developers must keep up with the rapidly changing methods that hackers are using to steal your data. If you don’t update your software, you’re leaving your devices vulnerable to cyberattacks.
2. Encrypt devices
Device encryption is the process of scrambling data into random code that cannot be read without a key or password. Encrypting your data reduces the chances of that data being usable to hackers.
Here is a handy guide on how to encrypt your Mac, Windows computer, and phone.
If you need help securing your devices, give us a call at 1-800-968-6925. We can help you find the right combination of security solutions for your business. We will even work with your existing IT team to provide you with the right level of service.
3. Change passwords
You’ve probably heard that changing your passwords every three (3) months reduces the chances of a hacker cracking your password. While this is true, a more effective method is to use a password manager. A good password manager will provide you with unique, strong passwords that you won’t have to remember. Experts advise that unless your password has been compromised in a data breech, that leaving your password alone is generally acceptable (just as long as it's a unique, strong password).
To see our top picks for password management, grab a free copy of our ultimate guide.
The Ultimate Guide To Password Managers
4. Use MFA
If you have ever signed into an account and then been prompted to enter a code that was texted or emailed to you, then you have used Multi-Factor Authentication. MFA is a two-part authentication method. This protocol adds an extra layer of protection to your accounts.
It also can alert you to a potential breach. If you receive a prompt to enter a code and you haven’t been trying to access your account, then you know someone is trying to access your account. In the event this happens to you, change your password immediately and report the incident to the developers.
5. Backup your data
Backing up your data to a secure location, such a cloud service, will create a copy of all your important data. Backing up your data is one of the last resorts if your data is lost or destroyed due to virus, hardware failure, or natural disaster. Be sure you have digital copies of paper documents as well.
This is also an important defense against ransomware. Ransomware is when a hacker locks a user out of their files or data and demands payment to restore access. When your data is held hostage, you might feel like you have no choice but to make the ransom payment. DON’T DO THIS. Even with payment, most hackers don’t have any intention of giving access back to you.
In fact, a recent study found that 80% of companies that paid a ransom were hit a second time, and those who paid were hit with a higher price than the first time.
"Eighty percent of victims were hit a second time. Forty percent paid the second ransom. Ten percent paid a third ransom, and 1% paid a fourth. The additional attacks come rapidly and usually demand a higher figure. Sixty-eight percent of firms said the second attack came less than a month after the first, with an increased demand..."
Kevin Townsend, Security Week
Read Security Week's report here.
In Conclusion...
Maintaining the security of your company's resources and reputation is paramount. If you need IT assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will assist in making cybersecurity easy and tailored to your needs.
Call 1-800-968-6925 or email info@dovetechnow.com
Related Article: Data Privacy Day: How Secure is your Information | Dove Technologies | Office technology solutions (dovetechnow.com)
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